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111 Praise and Worship Quotes to Inspire & Bless You!

Good worship quotes―who doesn’t love them, right!

Whether it’s for inspiration, encouragement, enjoyment or teaching, a good quote can always help discover fresh insight about something we already know or simply learn something new and profound.

Here are 99 worship related quotes that blessed me―hope you enjoy reading them too.

99 inspiring quotes about God, praise and worship and more

Worship quote-1: Cross

“We throw ourselves down, as Jesus did, before the mystery of God’s power present to us, knowing that the Cross is the true burning bush, the place of the flame of God’s love, which burns but does not destroy.” ― Pope Benedict XVI

Worship quote-2: Heaven

“Any man or woman on this earth who is bored or turned off by worship is not ready for Heaven.” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-3: Music

“Church music should feed the people by teaching the Word of God. It is a work of the Spirit of God.” ― Paul Jones

Worship quote-4: Church

“Church was never intended to be a place where we serve God to the exclusion of meeting with Him” ―  James MacDonald

Worship quote-5: Authenticity

“Don’t let life affect your worship; let your worship effect life.” ― LaMar Boschman

Worship quote-6: Holy Spirit

“For the Body of the risen Christ is the spiritual temple from which the source of living water springs forth: incorporated into Christ by the Holy Spirit, we are the temple of the living God.” ― Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1179

Worship quote-7: Daily worship

“Go to church once a week and nobody pays attention. Worship God 7 days a week and you become strange!” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-8: Faithfulness

“God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-9: God’s Presence

“God has two dwellings; one in heaven and the other in a meek and thankful heart.” ― Izaak Dalton

Worship quote-10: Praise

“God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy exultation.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon

Worship quote-11: Worship environment

“God’s heavenly dwelling place represents the environment that God enjoys to live in. God’s desire is that places of this type would spring up all across this planet and that people would exercise the same zeal for that as David did. God’s plan is that this heavenly reality would be released here on earth, for even down here it’s worship that creates a dwelling place for Him.” ― Benjamin Schäfer

Worship quote-12: Artistry

“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” ― Louis Nizer

Worship quote-13: Purpose

“His supreme purpose in making man was to have somebody capable to properly and sufficiently worship Him and satisfy His own heart””― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-14: Witnessing

“How sad it is when someone comes to you looking for Jesus and all they see is you.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-15: Surrender

“I desire only Him and to be wholly His.” ― Brother Lawrence

Worship quote-16: Church unity

“If the churches ever did reunite, it would have to be into something that was as sacramental and liturgical and authoritative as the Roman Catholic Church and as protesting against abuses and as much focused on the individual in his direct relationship with Christ as the Evangelicals, as charismatic as the Pentecostals, as missionary―minded as the old mainline denominations, as focused on holiness as the Methodists or the Quakers, as committed to the social aspects of the Gospel as the social activists, as Biblical as fundamentalists, and as mystical as the Eastern Orthodox.” ― Peter Kreeft

Worship quote-17: Authenticity

“If worship leaders only worship when they lead, they are not worshippers. They are mere musicians.” ― Bill Johnson

Worship quote-18: Songwriting

“Immersion into Christ is the fountainhead of our songs of worship.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-19: Authenticity

“In worship, God captures your heart; when he’s got it, then the real work begins.” ― Matt Redman

Worship quote-20: God

“Isn’t it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?” ― Francis Chan

Worship quote-21: Christ’s mission

“Jesus didn’t come into the world to make bad people good. He came into the world to make dead people live.” ― Ravi Zacharias

Worship quote-22: Christ

“Jesus is the human face of God and the divine face of man.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-23: Community

“Let’s determine to finish well by helping facilitate a lifelong conversation and sense of community between God and the people He has called us to serve.” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-24: Christ

“Life is a maybe. Death is for sure. Sin is the cause. Christ is the cure.” ― Unknown

Worship quote-25: Life

“Life without Christ is crisis.” ― Father Paul Attah-Nsiah

Worship quote-26: Sin

“Lukewarm people don’t really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.” ― Francis Chan

Worship quote-27: Leading worship

“Ministering to the Lord in private is the foundation and prerequisite for leading in the public meeting” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-28: True worship

“Our true worship says to Him that we understand we have been purchased with His son’s blood” ― Jacob Toback

Worship quote-29: Faith

“Perhaps part of the reason the Church is malnourished and our faith is anemic is because our worship services have become a theological Happy Meal.” ― Glenn Packiam

Worship quote-30: Praise

“Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song by grace we learn to sing, and in glory we continue to sing.” ― Charles Spurgeon

Worship quote-31: Repentance

“Repentance is the way in and the way on.” ― John Wimber

Worship quote-32: Songwriting

“Songs of worship arise from a life of worship.” ― Tim Hughes

Worship quote-33: Spontaneous singing

“Spontaneous singing is not a technique that I use to stir people up, it is  genuine expression of my heart to God. The secondary effect is the stirring up of people’s hearts.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-34: Authenticity

“The better (i.e., the more accurately) we know God through his Word, the more genuine our worship will be.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-35: Pride and humility

“The biggest obstacle to making Christ magnificent is the refusal to make yourself small.” ― James MacDonald

Worship quote-36: Disappointment

“The disappointment that comes from an unexpected trouble, an unplanned difficulty, can help us die to ourselves, to our attempts at control, to our plans for the perfect life. Disappointment is an agent of the cross.” ― Glenn Packiam

Worship quote-37: Service and outreach

“The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and the helpless.” ― Billy Graham

Worship quote-38: Liturgy

“The liturgy is, before everything else, the joyous gathering of those who are to meet the risen Lord and to enter with him into the bridal chamber. And it is this joy of expectation and this expectation of joy that are expressed in singing and ritual, in vestments and in censing, in that whole ‘beauty’ of the liturgy which has so often been denounced as unnecessary and even sinful.
Unnecessary it is indeed, for we are beyond the categories of the ‘necessary.’ Beauty is never ‘necessary,’ ‘functional’ or ‘useful.’ And when, expecting someone whom we love, we put a beautiful tablecloth on the table and decorate it with candles and flowers, we do all this not out of necessity, but out of love. And the Church is love, expectation and joy.”” ― Alexander Schmemann”

Worship quote-39: Eucharist

“The Lord’s Supper is the central act of Christian worship. It is a prophecy, pledge  and prelude to that supper table of the Lamb, when we shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of the Father.” ― G.B.F. Hallock

Worship quote-40: Cross

“The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood–with swords sheathed–watching as the Son took our place.” ― Mark Hart

Worship quote-41: Authenticity

“The notion that you can come to church on Sunday and bend your knee in worship when in fact you have not done so during the week is a delusion.” ― Mark Ashton

Worship quote-42: Attitude

“The past few years I have approached music ministry with the mind―set of a pastor first, and a musician second.” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-43: Revelation

“The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship.” ― Matt Redman

Worship quote-44: True worship

“Worship must be – Christ centered, Holy Spirit led, a Response to the Father, about Intimacy and Service and always lead to Transformation!” ― Tim Hughes

Worship quote-45: Artistry

“The time has come for a revival of public worship as the finest of the fine arts… while there is a call for strong preaching there is even a greater need for uplifting worship.” ― Andrew W. Blackwood

Worship quote-46: Authenticity

“To men and women everywhere Jesus says, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.”The rest He offers is the rest of meekness, the blessed relief which comes when we accept ourselves for what we are and cease to pretend.” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-47: New life

“To worship God is to admit that we are entirely contrary to Him, and that He is willing to make us like Himself.” ― Brother Lawrence

Worship quote-48: True worship

“True worship is the experience of encountering God through the means that God usually employs, a conversation built on revelation/response” ― Constance M. Cherry

Worship quote-49: Authenticity

“True worshipers aren’t just moved by powerful music. They are moved by the weight of God’s glory. They are hushed by the magnitude of His presence.” ― David Santistevan

Worship quote-50: Alleluia

“We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song!” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-51: Trinity

“We worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity in unity, without either confusing the persons or dividing the substance; for the person of the Father is one, the Son’s is another, the Holy Spirit’s another; but the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one, their glory equal, their majesty coeternal” ― Athanasian Creed

Worship quote-52: Worship team

“What is a worship team besides a musical group? Lots of things. It’s a group of friends who mutually serve one another. It’s a team of servants whose goal is to bless and encourage the entire church. It’s a spiritual taskforce that has the job of bringing the people before their Father and Creator in worship.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-53: Church unity

“When the church is unified and the Lord is glorified, then the saints will be edified, sinners will be sanctified, and the devil will be terrified.” ― Anthony Warner

Worship quote-54: Idolatory

“When we ask people what they want in church instead of giving them what they were created to long for, we play in the very idolatry that church was created to dismantle.” ― James MacDonald

Worship quote-55: Spiritual prostitution

“Whenever the method of worship becomes more important than the Person of worship, we have already prostituted our Worship.” ― Judson Cornwall

Worship quote-56: Thanksgiving

“Why does the Bible keep nagging us to give thanks? It’s because we quickly forget all that God has done for us; we take him for granted. According to Romans 1:21, when we fail to honor God and give him thanks, our hearts become darkened. Indeed, if left unchecked, ingratitude leads to negativity, bitterness, cynicism, and despair.” ― Rory Noland

Worship quote-57: Glory

“Worship doesn’t happen when a guy gets on a stage with a guitar. It happens when faith―filled eyes behold the glory of Christ” ― Matt Pappa

Worship quote-58: Action and emotion

“Worship is both a subjective experience and an objective activity. Worship is not an unexpressed feeling, nor is it an empty formality. True worship is balanced and involves the mind, the emotions, and the will. It must be intelligent; it must reach deep within and be motivated by love; and it must lead to obedient actions that glorify God.” ― Warren Wiersbe

Worship quote-59: Love and service

“Worship is love on its knees before the beloved; just as mission is love on its feet to serve the beloved” ― NT Wright

Worship quote-60: Priority

“Worship is not a luxury but a priority. To seek Jesus must be the constant desire of believers.” ― Pope Benedict XVI

Worship quote-61: Response

“Worship is the natural response of man to the supernatural Presence of God.” ― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-62: Alleluia

“A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-63: Story

“A worship that will have staying power is a worship that is firmly grounded in the old, yet aware of and concerned for new ways to respond to the old, old story.” ― Robert E. Webber

Worship quote-64: Gifts

“All gifts from God are intended to direct our attention to God and create fresh affection for God.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-65: Grace

“All human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful.” ― Flannery O’Connor

Worship quote-66: Artistry

“Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-67: Listening to God

“Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-68: Love

“But we can’t love anything in the right way unless we love God more.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-69: Christ

“Christ is not valued at all, unless he is valued above all.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-70: God’s Presence

“Christ is the sacrament‎ of the invisible God ― a sacrament that indicates presence. God is with us.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-71: Authenticity

“Don’t let your life give evidence against your tongue. Sing with your voices… sing also with your conduct.” ― St Augustine

Worship quote-72: Discipleship

“I do so dearly believe that no half―heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

Worship quote-73: Obedience

“I was not born to be free―I was born to adore and obey.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-74: Eucharist

“If the Cross is God’s masterpiece of His love, then the Eucharist is the centerpiece of our worship.”― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-75: Repentance

“It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-76: Joy

“Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.  ― Padre Pio

Worship quote-77: Dancing

“Learn to dance, so when you get to heaven the angels know what to do with you.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-78: Praise

“Oh God, to know you is life. To serve you is freedom. To praise you is the soul’s joy and delight.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-79: Idolatory

“The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them, and what came through them was longing. These things—the beauty, the memory of our own past—are good images of what we really desire; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself, they turn into dumb idols, breaking the hearts of their worshipers. For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of the tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-80: Practice and rehearsal

“The goal of practice isn’t doing something until you get it right. It’s doing it until you can’t get it wrong.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-81: Love

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-82: Gospel

“The liberating message of the Gospel of Life has been put into your hands… this is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops!” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-83: Faith

“The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.”― Padre Pio

Worship quote-84: Truth

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” ― Flannery O’Conner

Worship quote-85: Loving God

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”― St. Augustine

Worship quote-86: Truth

“Truth, according to the Christian faith, is God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Therefore, truth is a relationship.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-87: Authenticity

“Ultimately, it is the very life of man, man himself as living righteously, that is the true worship of God, but life only becomes real life when it receives its form from looking toward God.” ― Benedict XVI

Worship quote-88: Practice and rehearsal

“We don’t just show up on stage; we bring along the oil of praise in jars of practice and rehearsal so that when the Lord shows up, our worship shines as the light with which His Church shall welcome Him!” ― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-89: Cross

“Everything is a reminder of the Cross. We ourselves are made in the shape of a cross.” ― St. John Vianney

Worship quote-90: Eucharist

“What difference does it make if the bread and wine turn into the Body and Blood of Christ and we don’t?” ― Godfrey Diekman OSB

Worship quote-91: Religion

“What people don’t realize is how much religion costs. They think faith is a big electric blanket, when of course it is the cross.” ― Flannery O’Connor

Worship quote-92: Idolatory

“When Man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing but worships everything.” ― G. K. Chesterton

Worship quote-93: Theology

“When you put biblical truth to the songs used in churches, you’ll have the congregation leave singing the sermon. You’ll have God’s thoughts, things that are God―breathed, stuck in their heads. It’s sad to think about a really catchy tune paired up with bad theology because that could, honestly, do a lot of damage in church ” ― Laura Story

Worship quote-94: Wonder

“Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants the emotions, while never surrendering reason.”― Ravi Zacharias

Worship quote-95: Prayer

“If you have a problem in your life that you can’t fathom or understand, you have to examine your prayer life, not the problem.” ― Mother Angelica

Worship quote-96: Experience

“Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our richest and most wholesome experience in life.” ― Graham Kendrick

Worship quote-97: True worship

“Worshipping is stripping ourselves of our idols, even the most hidden ones, and choosing the Lord as the center, as the highway of our lives.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-98: Object of worship

“You cannot divide human beings into those who worship and those who don’t. Everybody worships; it’s just a matter of what or whom.” ― Paul David Tripp

Worship quote-99: Love

“Worship is a posture of life that takes as its primary purpose the understanding of what it really means to love and revere God.” ― Ravi Zacharias

 Worship quote-100: Worry

“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ― Harry Ironside

Worship quote-101: Self interest

“Teach your children to sing praise and worship to God―it is the purest form of prayer, especially praise, it is prayer with no self interest. So teach them to worship and they will have a relationship with God forever.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-102: Glory

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” ― John Piper

Worship quote-103: Glory

“Whatever troubles are weighing you down are not chains. They are featherweight when compared to the glory yet to come. With a sweep of a prayer and the praise of a child’s heart, God can strip away any cobweb.” ― Joni Eareckson Tada

Worship quote-104: Heaven

“Surely that which occupies the total time and energies of heaven must be a fitting pattern for earth.” ― Paul E. Billheimer

Worship quote-105: Heaven

“I don’t care where it is, what part of the world it’s in, if we have a praise church we’ll have successful christianity.” ― Dwight L. Moody

Worship quote-106: God-focus

“If we would talk more about the Lord and praise Him, we would have less time to talk about ourselves.” ― M.R. DeHaan

Worship quote-107: God-focus

“In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we’re pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker’s praise without anxiety.” ― A.W.Tozer

Worship quote-108: God-focus

“The climax of God’s happiness is the delight He takes in the echoes of His excellence in the praises of His people.” ― John Piper

Worship quote-109: God-focus

“Faith comes through God’s Word and through praise. Faith grows as you praise the Lord.” ― Wesley L. Duewel

Worship quote-110: God-focus

“True spiritual worship will cause God Almighty to come and sit with you, for He is enthroned in the midst of your praises” — Joseph L. Garlington

Worship quote-111: God-focus

“Our entire being is fashioned as an instrument of praise. Just as a master violin maker designs an instrument to produce maximum aesthetic results, so God tailor-made our bodies, souls and spirits to work together in consonance to produce pleasing expressions of praise and worship. When we use body language to express praise, that which is internal becomes visible.” — Don McMinn

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111 Praise and Worship Quotes to Inspire & Bless You!

Good worship quotes―who doesn’t love them, right!

Whether it’s for inspiration, encouragement, enjoyment or teaching, a good quote can always help discover fresh insight about something we already know or simply learn something new and profound.

Here are 99 worship related quotes that blessed me―hope you enjoy reading them too.

99 inspiring quotes about God, praise and worship and more

Worship quote-1: Cross

“We throw ourselves down, as Jesus did, before the mystery of God’s power present to us, knowing that the Cross is the true burning bush, the place of the flame of God’s love, which burns but does not destroy.” ― Pope Benedict XVI

Worship quote-2: Heaven

“Any man or woman on this earth who is bored or turned off by worship is not ready for Heaven.” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-3: Music

“Church music should feed the people by teaching the Word of God. It is a work of the Spirit of God.” ― Paul Jones

Worship quote-4: Church

“Church was never intended to be a place where we serve God to the exclusion of meeting with Him” ―  James MacDonald

Worship quote-5: Authenticity

“Don’t let life affect your worship; let your worship effect life.” ― LaMar Boschman

Worship quote-6: Holy Spirit

“For the Body of the risen Christ is the spiritual temple from which the source of living water springs forth: incorporated into Christ by the Holy Spirit, we are the temple of the living God.” ― Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1179

Worship quote-7: Daily worship

“Go to church once a week and nobody pays attention. Worship God 7 days a week and you become strange!” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-8: Faithfulness

“God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be faithful.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-9: God’s Presence

“God has two dwellings; one in heaven and the other in a meek and thankful heart.” ― Izaak Dalton

Worship quote-10: Praise

“God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy exultation.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon

Worship quote-11: Worship environment

“God’s heavenly dwelling place represents the environment that God enjoys to live in. God’s desire is that places of this type would spring up all across this planet and that people would exercise the same zeal for that as David did. God’s plan is that this heavenly reality would be released here on earth, for even down here it’s worship that creates a dwelling place for Him.” ― Benjamin Schäfer

Worship quote-12: Artistry

“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” ― Louis Nizer

Worship quote-13: Purpose

“His supreme purpose in making man was to have somebody capable to properly and sufficiently worship Him and satisfy His own heart””― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-14: Witnessing

“How sad it is when someone comes to you looking for Jesus and all they see is you.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-15: Surrender

“I desire only Him and to be wholly His.” ― Brother Lawrence

Worship quote-16: Church unity

“If the churches ever did reunite, it would have to be into something that was as sacramental and liturgical and authoritative as the Roman Catholic Church and as protesting against abuses and as much focused on the individual in his direct relationship with Christ as the Evangelicals, as charismatic as the Pentecostals, as missionary―minded as the old mainline denominations, as focused on holiness as the Methodists or the Quakers, as committed to the social aspects of the Gospel as the social activists, as Biblical as fundamentalists, and as mystical as the Eastern Orthodox.” ― Peter Kreeft

Worship quote-17: Authenticity

“If worship leaders only worship when they lead, they are not worshippers. They are mere musicians.” ― Bill Johnson

Worship quote-18: Songwriting

“Immersion into Christ is the fountainhead of our songs of worship.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-19: Authenticity

“In worship, God captures your heart; when he’s got it, then the real work begins.” ― Matt Redman

Worship quote-20: God

“Isn’t it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?” ― Francis Chan

Worship quote-21: Christ’s mission

“Jesus didn’t come into the world to make bad people good. He came into the world to make dead people live.” ― Ravi Zacharias

Worship quote-22: Christ

“Jesus is the human face of God and the divine face of man.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-23: Community

“Let’s determine to finish well by helping facilitate a lifelong conversation and sense of community between God and the people He has called us to serve.” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-24: Christ

“Life is a maybe. Death is for sure. Sin is the cause. Christ is the cure.” ― Unknown

Worship quote-25: Life

“Life without Christ is crisis.” ― Father Paul Attah-Nsiah

Worship quote-26: Sin

“Lukewarm people don’t really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.” ― Francis Chan

Worship quote-27: Leading worship

“Ministering to the Lord in private is the foundation and prerequisite for leading in the public meeting” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-28: True worship

“Our true worship says to Him that we understand we have been purchased with His son’s blood” ― Jacob Toback

Worship quote-29: Faith

“Perhaps part of the reason the Church is malnourished and our faith is anemic is because our worship services have become a theological Happy Meal.” ― Glenn Packiam

Worship quote-30: Praise

“Praise is the rehearsal of our eternal song by grace we learn to sing, and in glory we continue to sing.” ― Charles Spurgeon

Worship quote-31: Repentance

“Repentance is the way in and the way on.” ― John Wimber

Worship quote-32: Songwriting

“Songs of worship arise from a life of worship.” ― Tim Hughes

Worship quote-33: Spontaneous singing

“Spontaneous singing is not a technique that I use to stir people up, it is  genuine expression of my heart to God. The secondary effect is the stirring up of people’s hearts.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-34: Authenticity

“The better (i.e., the more accurately) we know God through his Word, the more genuine our worship will be.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-35: Pride and humility

“The biggest obstacle to making Christ magnificent is the refusal to make yourself small.” ― James MacDonald

Worship quote-36: Disappointment

“The disappointment that comes from an unexpected trouble, an unplanned difficulty, can help us die to ourselves, to our attempts at control, to our plans for the perfect life. Disappointment is an agent of the cross.” ― Glenn Packiam

Worship quote-37: Service and outreach

“The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and the helpless.” ― Billy Graham

Worship quote-38: Liturgy

“The liturgy is, before everything else, the joyous gathering of those who are to meet the risen Lord and to enter with him into the bridal chamber. And it is this joy of expectation and this expectation of joy that are expressed in singing and ritual, in vestments and in censing, in that whole ‘beauty’ of the liturgy which has so often been denounced as unnecessary and even sinful.
Unnecessary it is indeed, for we are beyond the categories of the ‘necessary.’ Beauty is never ‘necessary,’ ‘functional’ or ‘useful.’ And when, expecting someone whom we love, we put a beautiful tablecloth on the table and decorate it with candles and flowers, we do all this not out of necessity, but out of love. And the Church is love, expectation and joy.”” ― Alexander Schmemann”

Worship quote-39: Eucharist

“The Lord’s Supper is the central act of Christian worship. It is a prophecy, pledge  and prelude to that supper table of the Lamb, when we shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of the Father.” ― G.B.F. Hallock

Worship quote-40: Cross

“The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood–with swords sheathed–watching as the Son took our place.” ― Mark Hart

Worship quote-41: Authenticity

“The notion that you can come to church on Sunday and bend your knee in worship when in fact you have not done so during the week is a delusion.” ― Mark Ashton

Worship quote-42: Attitude

“The past few years I have approached music ministry with the mind―set of a pastor first, and a musician second.” ― Paul Baloche

Worship quote-43: Revelation

“The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship.” ― Matt Redman

Worship quote-44: True worship

“Worship must be – Christ centered, Holy Spirit led, a Response to the Father, about Intimacy and Service and always lead to Transformation!” ― Tim Hughes

Worship quote-45: Artistry

“The time has come for a revival of public worship as the finest of the fine arts… while there is a call for strong preaching there is even a greater need for uplifting worship.” ― Andrew W. Blackwood

Worship quote-46: Authenticity

“To men and women everywhere Jesus says, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.”The rest He offers is the rest of meekness, the blessed relief which comes when we accept ourselves for what we are and cease to pretend.” ― A.W. Tozer

Worship quote-47: New life

“To worship God is to admit that we are entirely contrary to Him, and that He is willing to make us like Himself.” ― Brother Lawrence

Worship quote-48: True worship

“True worship is the experience of encountering God through the means that God usually employs, a conversation built on revelation/response” ― Constance M. Cherry

Worship quote-49: Authenticity

“True worshipers aren’t just moved by powerful music. They are moved by the weight of God’s glory. They are hushed by the magnitude of His presence.” ― David Santistevan

Worship quote-50: Alleluia

“We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song!” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-51: Trinity

“We worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity in unity, without either confusing the persons or dividing the substance; for the person of the Father is one, the Son’s is another, the Holy Spirit’s another; but the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one, their glory equal, their majesty coeternal” ― Athanasian Creed

Worship quote-52: Worship team

“What is a worship team besides a musical group? Lots of things. It’s a group of friends who mutually serve one another. It’s a team of servants whose goal is to bless and encourage the entire church. It’s a spiritual taskforce that has the job of bringing the people before their Father and Creator in worship.” ― Andy Park

Worship quote-53: Church unity

“When the church is unified and the Lord is glorified, then the saints will be edified, sinners will be sanctified, and the devil will be terrified.” ― Anthony Warner

Worship quote-54: Idolatory

“When we ask people what they want in church instead of giving them what they were created to long for, we play in the very idolatry that church was created to dismantle.” ― James MacDonald

Worship quote-55: Spiritual prostitution

“Whenever the method of worship becomes more important than the Person of worship, we have already prostituted our Worship.” ― Judson Cornwall

Worship quote-56: Thanksgiving

“Why does the Bible keep nagging us to give thanks? It’s because we quickly forget all that God has done for us; we take him for granted. According to Romans 1:21, when we fail to honor God and give him thanks, our hearts become darkened. Indeed, if left unchecked, ingratitude leads to negativity, bitterness, cynicism, and despair.” ― Rory Noland

Worship quote-57: Glory

“Worship doesn’t happen when a guy gets on a stage with a guitar. It happens when faith―filled eyes behold the glory of Christ” ― Matt Pappa

Worship quote-58: Action and emotion

“Worship is both a subjective experience and an objective activity. Worship is not an unexpressed feeling, nor is it an empty formality. True worship is balanced and involves the mind, the emotions, and the will. It must be intelligent; it must reach deep within and be motivated by love; and it must lead to obedient actions that glorify God.” ― Warren Wiersbe

Worship quote-59: Love and service

“Worship is love on its knees before the beloved; just as mission is love on its feet to serve the beloved” ― NT Wright

Worship quote-60: Priority

“Worship is not a luxury but a priority. To seek Jesus must be the constant desire of believers.” ― Pope Benedict XVI

Worship quote-61: Response

“Worship is the natural response of man to the supernatural Presence of God.” ― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-62: Alleluia

“A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-63: Story

“A worship that will have staying power is a worship that is firmly grounded in the old, yet aware of and concerned for new ways to respond to the old, old story.” ― Robert E. Webber

Worship quote-64: Gifts

“All gifts from God are intended to direct our attention to God and create fresh affection for God.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-65: Grace

“All human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful.” ― Flannery O’Connor

Worship quote-66: Artistry

“Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-67: Listening to God

“Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-68: Love

“But we can’t love anything in the right way unless we love God more.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-69: Christ

“Christ is not valued at all, unless he is valued above all.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-70: God’s Presence

“Christ is the sacrament‎ of the invisible God ― a sacrament that indicates presence. God is with us.” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-71: Authenticity

“Don’t let your life give evidence against your tongue. Sing with your voices… sing also with your conduct.” ― St Augustine

Worship quote-72: Discipleship

“I do so dearly believe that no half―heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

Worship quote-73: Obedience

“I was not born to be free―I was born to adore and obey.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-74: Eucharist

“If the Cross is God’s masterpiece of His love, then the Eucharist is the centerpiece of our worship.”― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-75: Repentance

“It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-76: Joy

“Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.  ― Padre Pio

Worship quote-77: Dancing

“Learn to dance, so when you get to heaven the angels know what to do with you.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-78: Praise

“Oh God, to know you is life. To serve you is freedom. To praise you is the soul’s joy and delight.” ― St. Augustine

Worship quote-79: Idolatory

“The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them, and what came through them was longing. These things—the beauty, the memory of our own past—are good images of what we really desire; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself, they turn into dumb idols, breaking the hearts of their worshipers. For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of the tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.” ― C.S. Lewis

Worship quote-80: Practice and rehearsal

“The goal of practice isn’t doing something until you get it right. It’s doing it until you can’t get it wrong.” ― Bob Kauflin

Worship quote-81: Love

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” ― Mother Teresa

Worship quote-82: Gospel

“The liberating message of the Gospel of Life has been put into your hands… this is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel. It is the time to preach it from the rooftops!” ― St. John Paul II

Worship quote-83: Faith

“The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.”― Padre Pio

Worship quote-84: Truth

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” ― Flannery O’Conner

Worship quote-85: Loving God

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”― St. Augustine

Worship quote-86: Truth

“Truth, according to the Christian faith, is God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Therefore, truth is a relationship.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-87: Authenticity

“Ultimately, it is the very life of man, man himself as living righteously, that is the true worship of God, but life only becomes real life when it receives its form from looking toward God.” ― Benedict XVI

Worship quote-88: Practice and rehearsal

“We don’t just show up on stage; we bring along the oil of praise in jars of practice and rehearsal so that when the Lord shows up, our worship shines as the light with which His Church shall welcome Him!” ― Gangai Victor

Worship quote-89: Cross

“Everything is a reminder of the Cross. We ourselves are made in the shape of a cross.” ― St. John Vianney

Worship quote-90: Eucharist

“What difference does it make if the bread and wine turn into the Body and Blood of Christ and we don’t?” ― Godfrey Diekman OSB

Worship quote-91: Religion

“What people don’t realize is how much religion costs. They think faith is a big electric blanket, when of course it is the cross.” ― Flannery O’Connor

Worship quote-92: Idolatory

“When Man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing but worships everything.” ― G. K. Chesterton

Worship quote-93: Theology

“When you put biblical truth to the songs used in churches, you’ll have the congregation leave singing the sermon. You’ll have God’s thoughts, things that are God―breathed, stuck in their heads. It’s sad to think about a really catchy tune paired up with bad theology because that could, honestly, do a lot of damage in church ” ― Laura Story

Worship quote-94: Wonder

“Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants the emotions, while never surrendering reason.”― Ravi Zacharias

Worship quote-95: Prayer

“If you have a problem in your life that you can’t fathom or understand, you have to examine your prayer life, not the problem.” ― Mother Angelica

Worship quote-96: Experience

“Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our richest and most wholesome experience in life.” ― Graham Kendrick

Worship quote-97: True worship

“Worshipping is stripping ourselves of our idols, even the most hidden ones, and choosing the Lord as the center, as the highway of our lives.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-98: Object of worship

“You cannot divide human beings into those who worship and those who don’t. Everybody worships; it’s just a matter of what or whom.” ― Paul David Tripp

Worship quote-99: Love

“Worship is a posture of life that takes as its primary purpose the understanding of what it really means to love and revere God.” ― Ravi Zacharias

 Worship quote-100: Worry

“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ― Harry Ironside

Worship quote-101: Self interest

“Teach your children to sing praise and worship to God―it is the purest form of prayer, especially praise, it is prayer with no self interest. So teach them to worship and they will have a relationship with God forever.” ― Pope Francis

Worship quote-102: Glory

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” ― John Piper

Worship quote-103: Glory

“Whatever troubles are weighing you down are not chains. They are featherweight when compared to the glory yet to come. With a sweep of a prayer and the praise of a child’s heart, God can strip away any cobweb.” ― Joni Eareckson Tada

Worship quote-104: Heaven

“Surely that which occupies the total time and energies of heaven must be a fitting pattern for earth.” ― Paul E. Billheimer

Worship quote-105: Heaven

“I don’t care where it is, what part of the world it’s in, if we have a praise church we’ll have successful christianity.” ― Dwight L. Moody

Worship quote-106: God-focus

“If we would talk more about the Lord and praise Him, we would have less time to talk about ourselves.” ― M.R. DeHaan

Worship quote-107: God-focus

“In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we’re pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker’s praise without anxiety.” ― A.W.Tozer

Worship quote-108: God-focus

“The climax of God’s happiness is the delight He takes in the echoes of His excellence in the praises of His people.” ― John Piper

Worship quote-109: God-focus

“Faith comes through God’s Word and through praise. Faith grows as you praise the Lord.” ― Wesley L. Duewel

Worship quote-110: God-focus

“True spiritual worship will cause God Almighty to come and sit with you, for He is enthroned in the midst of your praises” — Joseph L. Garlington

Worship quote-111: God-focus

“Our entire being is fashioned as an instrument of praise. Just as a master violin maker designs an instrument to produce maximum aesthetic results, so God tailor-made our bodies, souls and spirits to work together in consonance to produce pleasing expressions of praise and worship. When we use body language to express praise, that which is internal becomes visible.” — Don McMinn

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