Experience teaches us loads of stuff that can rarely be learnt from any other source. However, experience also brings with it the curse of going through the motions. I mean, we’ve led worship so many times that now, we are able to do it with our eyes closed (pun intended!) now, right? Have you been […]
leading worship
Worship is more than a song—yes, we know that. Still, it fills us with dread when we have to lead worship and the nearest musical instrument is at least a mile away! Have you been there? If yes, you’d know the feeling! We depend on music and musicians to fill the worship environment so much […]
When we do something over and over and over again, regularly, it becomes a routine, right? The problem is that anything that we treat as routine usually becomes boring after a point. So is the case with leading worship or any other ministry. Boredom inevitably leads to burnout. How we handle burnout is important—handling it […]
‘What to say when leading worship’ is a topic that’s not given the important it deserves. I mean lousy speaking is probably the no. 1 pet peeve people have against worship leaders! More specifically—what we speak, when we speak, how we speak, and above all—how long we speak! Now, this doesn’t mean we should stop […]
It seems that lots of churches today are dealing with similar problems when it comes to congregational worship. Our congregations are in danger of becoming more like spectators than actual participants. There are many reasons cited for this shift. I read something once that indicated the more professional and slick the service is, the more […]
If the congregation is not involved, it’s music, not worship. We’ve been there, right? We pick the best of songs, practice and rehearse them like crazy, and then play them flawlessly on stage. Everything goes well, there are no musical shipwrecks, and we’re feeling wonderful. Then, we take a look at the people and… there’s… […]
Choosing the right worship songs is probably 50% of all what good worship leading is all about—if not more! When we talk about worship inside the church, songs are the primary language of the soul to express worship. So you see, one of the easiest mistakes we can make is to choose the wrong set […]
In this post, let’s tackle one of the most annoying factors spoiling worship sessions: Worship Leader wants to sing more new songs Congregation wants to sing less new songs Worship Leader sings more new songs Congregation doesn’t sing along Been there? Awkward, right? We know that using new songs of worship is good. However, engaging […]
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